Doncs avui parlaré d’un dels meus grups de música preferits, en tinc uns quants, però potser aquest és el que em toca més la fibra, el que més sento.
Primer perquè us situeu una mica parlaré de la seva història:
Coldplay és una banda anglesa d'estil post-britpop-rock alternatiu formada l'any 1997 a Londres.
Sota les influències d'U2, Pink Floyd, a-ha, R.E.M., Echo i Bunnymen, Bob Dylan, The Flaming Lips, quan van començar els van comparar amb bandes com Radiohead, Oasis, Jeff Buckley, Travis i Kate Bush.
Van aconseguir l'èxit mundial ja amb el primer àlbum llançat al 2000. Des de llavors han publicat quatre àlbums d'estudi amb els quals han aconseguit nombrosos i importants premis musicals i han venut més de 50 milions de discs arreu del món. La seva música es caracteritza per unes lletres molt introspectives.
Els seus membres són: Chris Martin (cantant, guitarra i teclats), Jon Buckland (guitarra), Guy Berryman (baix) i Will Champion (bateria).
Ara dos lletres de les seves cançons, que he triat entre moltes perquè m’emocionen i perquè em ser les lletres:
La primera és: Fix you
When you try your best but you don't succeed
When you get what you want but not what you need
When you feel so tired but you can't sleep
Stuck in reverse
And the tears come streaming down your face
When you lose something you can't replace
When you love someone but it goes to waste could it be worse?
Lights will guide you home
and ignite your bones
And I will try to fix you
High up above or down below
when you're too in love to let it go but
If you never try you'll never know
Just what your worth
Lights will guide you home
and ignite your bones
And I will try to fix you
Tears streaming down your face
When you lose something you cannot replace
Tears streaming down your face and I
Tears streaming down your face I promise you
I will learn from my mistakes
Tears stream down your face and I
Lights will guide you home
And ignite your bones
La segona és: Speed of sound
How long before I get in
before it starts, before I begin
how long before you decide before
I know what it feels like
where to?
Where do I go?
if you've never tried then you'll never know
how long do I have to climb
up on the side of this mountain of mine
look up, I look up at night
planets are moving at the speed of light
climb up, up in the trees
every chance that you get
is a chance you seize
how long am I gonna can stand
with my head stuck under the sand
I'll start before I can stop
before I see thing the right way up
all that noise, all that sound
all those places I got found
and birds go flying at the speed of sound
to show how it all began
birds came flying from the underground
if you could see it then you'd understand
ideas that you'll never find
or the inventors could never design
the buildings that you put up
Japan and China... all lit up
the sign that I couldn't read
or the light that I couldn't see
some things you have to believe
but others are puzzles, puzzling me
all that noise, all that sound
all those oh, when you see it then you'll understand
places I got found
and birds go flying at the speed of sound
to show how it all began
birds came flying from the underground
if you could see it then you'd understand
all those signs I knew what they meant
something you can't invent
Some get made, and some get sent
words go flying at the speed of sound
to show how it all began
birds came flying from the underground
Tot i la gran popularitat de Coldplay, la banda va seguir mostrant-se molt prudent respecte al com la seva música es feia servir als mitjans de comunicació. La banda va permetre que la seva música es fes servir a pel·lícules, televisió i propagandes, com ara el tràiler de Peter Pan, la gran aventura. No obstant això, Coldplay va estar molt en contra de l'ús de la seva música per a promocionar productes. La banda rebutjà ofertes multimilionàries ofertes de diverses empreses de refrescs.